Agriculture Reference
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ering the temperature even in the troposphere besides changing the pattern
of atmospheric circulation.
The earth is tilted at an angle of 23.5° to the perpendicular plane of its
orbital path, which is somewhat elliptical. In one half of the year during
summer, the northern hemisphere remains tilted towards the sun, while in
the other half during winter, the earth gets tilted away from the sun. As a
rule, there is no seasonal variation, if there was no tilt.
The oceans are a major component of the climate system. The oceans
do cover about 71% of the earth's surface and absorb almost twice as
much of the sun's radiation as the atmosphere or the land surface and, thus,
contribute to climate change appreciably.
The mass as well as morphology of the earth is gradually changing fol-
lowing the changes in gravitational and magnetic matrix in a way to main-
tain unique balance among magnetic field, gravitational matrix and in-
coming solar radiation. Our knowledge to this clue is by and large scanty.
However, solar radiation is the sole regulator of major global climate
change. But the amount of solar energy reaching the earth is not constant,
but varies in several independent cycles. The overall physical scenario
results into gradual modification in earth's atmosphere with lapses of time.
With changing physical make-up of the earth, variation in incoming solar
radiation and its impact on atmosphere is also changing to maintain an
equilibrium, which seems to be at risk for human survival. Life is just a
by-product of such equilibrium or simply a natural phenomenon as a result
of unidentified interactions during course of global climate change. How-
ever, a group of physicists may approve and quantify the mode of equilib-
rium among magnetic field, gravitational matrix and incoming solar radia-
tion that could be congenial to the existence of life on the earth. This truth
has to be addressed precisely by establishing an index based on planetary
physical components (gravitation, magnetism and their interactions with
surrounding within exosphere) and its direct impact on existence of life.
Earth's gravitation coupled with magnetism and incoming radiation may
form the basis of integration to develop an indicator and changes thereof
with corresponding changes in atmospheric climates. There is thus need
for physicists, environmentalists, pedologists and life scientists to sit to-
gether to arrive at some concrete hypothesis for this endeavor. This will be
a true beginning of a new science in a new era.
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