Agriculture Reference
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of insect pests, coupled with poor postharvest management. The situation
is still aggravated by threat of the ill effect of climate change and seasonal
variation. The shortage of genuine planting material coupled with the long
juvenile period of litchi is also the constraints. The low female/male flow-
er ratio, premature fruit drop, and fruit cracking due to nonscientific water
and nutrient management also add to low productivity and production of
poor quality fruits. The litchi tree has luxuriant vegetative growth, which
causes problems in harvesting and canopy management is lacking. Lack
of scientific information on critical stages to balance vegetative and repro-
ductive phase, that is, for flower bud differentiation, and requirements of
water and nutrients also significantly reduces the yield. The shallow rooted
crops due to only air-layered plantations. Proper pollination support to en-
hance fruit set and fruit yield (Menzel and Waite, 2005). The practices that
can enhance postharvest life of fruits would be useful to achieve higher
productivity but entirely influenced by the climatic conditions.
Its peculiar climatic requirements to complete the growth and produc-
tion cycle are must and any deviation may certainly give erratic and unde-
sirable behavior (outcome). Under the influence of climatic changed con-
dition and occurring seasonal variation, effect of climatic factors on litchi
production system should be carefully analyzed. TEMPERATURE
The most imminent climate changes in recent times are the increase in
temperatures, influencing the growth and productivity of litchi crop also.
The effect of temperature on early and delayed panicle emergence flower-
ing phases, low fruit set because of several abnormalities caused due to
low night temperatures. Late flowering also reduces the fruit set, pollina-
tors movement. Low winter temperatures are essential for bringing about
the necessary physiological changes to stimulate flower initiation. Tem-
peratures of below 2°C can cause damage on flowers and young shoots.
The frost-free areas with a high summer, rainfall and humidity have been
found most suitable. In addition, high temperatures during panicle devel-
opment cause quick growth and reduce the number of days when her-
maphrodite and male flower are available for effective pollination but no
female flower phase at that particular juncture may lead to crop failure.
Rising temperatures activity resulting into low fruit set (Bhriguvanshi,
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