Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
utilization of water during the period of moisture stress and especially for
the horticultural crops. Fruit and vegetable crops also having potential in
the sequestration of CO 2 from the atmosphere, which alone contributes
about 60% of global warming. The appropriate of tactics to mitigate the
impact of climate changes is necessary to go for conservation of our bio-
diversity and provision of feed to our fast growing population. For this
diversification towards horticulture crops and blending it with others like
agronomic crops, animal husbandry, fish, pig, etc. together is necessary to
get sustainable family income and conserve natural resources.
Crop Based Management Strategies
Efficient Water Use
Horticultural Scenario
In-situ Soil Moisture Conservation
Pest and Diseases
Precipitation and Rainfall
Quality Issues
Anonymous. (2001). Annual Progress Report, National Committee on Plasticulture Application
in Horticulture, Department of Agri. and Co-operation, Min. of Ag., GOI, New Delhi, 98.
Anonymous. (2011). NHB Data Base, New Delhi.
Awasthi, R. P., Thakur, G. C., & Chauhan, P. S. (1986). Role of Meteorological Components on
Flowering Time, Fruit-set and Yield of Starking Delicious Apple. Advances in Research on
Temperate Fruits (Chadha, T. R., Bhutani, V. P., &. Kaul, J. L.), Dr. Parmar, Y. S., Uni. of Hort.
and Forestry, Nauni-Solan, HP, 11-18.
Bahadur, A., & Singh, K. P. (2001). Micro-irrigation. A Vision Option for Water Economy, Sou-
venir, Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, 29-31.
Basu, P. S. & Minhas, J. S. (1991). Heat Tolerance and Assimilate Transport in Different Potato
Genotypes, J. Exp. Bot., 42, 861-866.
Buescher, R. W. (1979). Influence of High Temperature on Physiological and Compositional
Characteristics Tomato Fruits. LWT Food Sci. Technol., 12, 162-164.
Chan, H. T. & Linse, E. (1989). Conditioning Cucumbers to Increase Heat Resistance in the EFE
System, J. Food Sci., 54, 1375-1376.
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