Database Reference
In-Depth Information
name | setting | unit | is_default
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | t
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay | 20 | ms | t
bgwriter_delay | 10 | ms | f
checkpoint_timeout | 32 | s | f
deadlock_timeout | 1000 | ms | t
max_standby_delay | 30 | | t
wal_sender_delay | 200 | ms | t
wal_writer_delay | 200 | ms | t
(8 rows)
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As reloading the configuration file is achieved by sending the SIGHUP signal, we can reload
the configuration file just for a single backend using the kill command. As you might expect,
you can get some strange results from doing this, so don't try this at home.
First, find out the pid of the backend using pg_stat_activity .
Then, from the OS prompt, issue the following:
kill -SIGHUP pid
Or we can do both at once, as in the following command:
kill -SIGHUP \
`psql -t -c "select procpid from pg_stat_activity limit 1"`
though that is only useful with a sensible WHERE clause.
Restarting the server quickly
Some of the database server parameters require you to stop and start the server again fully.
Doing this as quickly as possible can be very important in some cases. The best time to do
this is usually a quiet time, with lots of planning, testing, and forethought. Sometimes, not
everything goes according to plan.
How to do it...
The basic command to restart the server is the following:
pg_ctl -D datadir restart -m fast
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