Database Reference
In-Depth Information
One of the big contrasts with pgAdmin is that phpPgAdmin is browser-based, so it may be
easier to provide secure access to administrators this way.
phpPgAdmin provides the familiar left-hand tree view of the database, and also provides a
simple SQL query tool. Those are the basics for which you should be looking. Many additional
features in pgAdmin3 aren't available, though if you follow my advice you will be doing much of
your work using scripts, so this may not be a problem.
See also
You may also be interested in commercial tools of various kinds for PostgreSQL. A full listing
is given in the PostgreSQL software catalogue at the following URL:
The following tools cover general administration, though other products not listed here
specialize in development, data modeling, or model administration:
F Navicat
( )
F EMS SQLManager
F L ightning Admin
( )
Using psql query and scripting tool
psql is the query tool supplied as part of the core distribution of PostgreSQL, so it is available
and works similarly in all environments. This makes it an ideal choice for developing portable
applications and techniques.
psql provides features for use as both an interactive query tool and as a scripting tool.
Getting ready
From here on, we will assume that "psql" is a sufficient command to allow you access to the
PostgreSQL server. That assumes that all of your connection parameters are defaults, which
may not be true.
Written out in full, the connection parameters would be as follows:
psql -h hostname -p 5432 -d dbname -U username -W
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