Database Reference
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As this literally moves all objects that do not have an explicitly defined tablespace into new_
tablespace . For a large database, this will take a very long time, and your database will be
completely locked while it runs. Not cool, if you do it by accident.
There's more...
If you just discovered that indexes don't get moved when you move a table, then you may want
to check to see if any indexes are in different tablespaces from their parent tables. Run the
following to check:
i.relname as indexname
,t.relname as tablename
(((pg_class t
/* tables */
JOIN pg_tablespace tst
t.reltablespace = tst.oid)
JOIN pg_index pgi
ON pgi.indrelid = t.oid)
JOIN pg_class i
/* indexes */
pgi.indexrelid = i.oid)
JOIN pg_tablespace tsi
i.reltablespace = tsi.oid
i.relname NOT LIKE 'pg_toast%'
i.reltablespace != t.reltablespace
If we have one table with an index in a separate tablespace, we might see this as psql definition:
postgres=# \d y
Table "public.y"
Column | Type | Modifiers
val | text |
"y_val_idx" btree (val), tablespace "new_tablespace"
Tablespace: "new_tablespace2"
Running the query presented previously, gives the following:
relname | spcname | relname | spcname
y_val_idx | new_tablespace | y | new_tablespace2
(1 row)
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