Database Reference
In-Depth Information
To let the user connect again, run the following:
pguser=# alter user bob login;
How it works...
This sets a flag in the system catalog telling PostgreSQL not to let the user to log in. It does
not kick out already connected users.
Limiting number of concurrent connections by a user
The same result can be achieved by setting connection limit for that user to 0 :
pguser=# alter user bob connection limit 0;
To allow bob 10 concurrent connections, run the following:
pguser=# alter user bob connection limit 10;
To allow an unlimited number of connections by this user, run the following:
pguser=# alter user bob connection limit -1;
Forcing NOLOGIN users to disconnect
In order to make sure that all users whose login privilege has been revoked are disconnected
right away, run the following SQL statement as a superuser:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid)
FROM from pg_stat_activity a
JOIN pg_roles r ON a.usename = r.rolname AND not rolcanlogin;
On older versions of postgresql, where pg_terminate_backend() function does not
exist, you can get the same effect from shell by running the following as user postgres on
the database server:
postgres@hvost:~$ psql -t -c "\
select 'kill ' || procpid from pg_stat_activity a \
join pg_roles r on a.usename = r.rolname and not rolcanlogin;"\
| bash
This incantation constructs proper kill commands from a query, and then feeds them
to the shell for execution.
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