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postgres=# ALTER TABLE boxes ADD EXCLUDE USING gist
(position WITH &&);
NOTICE: ALTER TABLE / ADD EXCLUDE will create implicit index "boxes_
position_exclusion" for table "boxes"
which creates a new index named boxes_position_excl .
We can use the same syntax even with the basic datatypes. So a fourth way of performing our
first example would be as follows:
ALTER TABLE newcust ADD EXCLUDE (customerid WITH =);
which creates a new index named newcust_customerid_excl .
How it works...
Uniqueness is always enforced by an index.
Each index is defined with a datatype operator. When a new row is inserted or the set of
column values are updated, we use the operator to search for existing values that conflict
with the new data.
So, to enforce uniqueness, we need an index and a search operator defined on the datatypes
of the columns. When we define normal UNIQUE constraints, we simply assume we mean the
equality operator ("=") for the datatype. The EXCLUDE syntax offers a richer syntax to allow us
to express the same problem with different datatypes and operators.
There's more...
Unique constraints can be marked as "deferrable". However, there are a number of restrictions
on this that make this feature not very usable in PostgreSQL 9.0. The restrictions are as
F You must define a constraint as DEFERRABLE on the CREATE TABLE . You cannot
define this on a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT , nor can these be added later with an
ALTER TABLE command.
F You cannot mix deferrable unique constraints with Foreign Keys. You will get an
error message if you try to add a Foreign Key that refers to a unique constraint
that is deferrable.
It's likely that those restrictions will be lifted in later releases.
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