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scan described in the sets
whose target was susceptible at time
0. The edge is directed from the source of the scan to the target; an edge will
be called an infection edge or countering edge , depending on whether it comes
from an infection or counter-worm sequence, respectively. The node for host h i
will have values S ( h i ) recording the earliest time it was scanned by an infected
host, and C ( h i ) recording the earliest time it was scanned by a host running a
counter-worm. Some of the edges are labeled with the time of the scan—these
edges are particularly important in our analysis. The values of S ( h i )and C ( h i ),
the edges labeled and the values of those labels all depend on the particular
defense. However, common to those defenses are the following rules:
{I i }
{C i }
- All hosts assumed to be already infected at time 0 label each of their edges
with the corresponding scan time;
- all hosts that are used to start the counter-worm label each of their edges
with T 0 plus the corresponding scan time offset contained in the scan se-
The differences between different defense's SPGs are characterized as follows:
Empty Defense ( D 0 )
1. Thenodeforhost h i defines S ( h i ) to be the smallest label among all labeled
infection edges directed to it; S ( h i )=
if no such edge exists.
labels the infection edge corresponding to the j th element of
2. A host h i
I i
(say, ( s j , dst j )) with value S ( h i )+ s j , j =1 , 2 ,
The difference between the simple patch defense and the empty defense is
that susceptible hosts are protected from infection if they are touched by a
countering scan before being touched by an infection scan.
Simple Patch ( D 1 )
1. Item (1) from the Empty Defense rules.
2. Thenodeforhost h i defines C ( h i ) to be the smallest label among all labeled
countering edges directed to it; C ( h i )=
if no such edge exists.
3. If S ( h i ) <C ( h i ) the node labels the infection edge corresponding to the j th
element of
I i (say, ( s j , dst j )) with value S ( h i )+ s j , j =1 , 2 ,
4. If C ( h i ) <S ( h i ) the node does not label any of its edges.
The difference between a spreading patchdefenseandasimplepatchoneis
that a host that receives a countering scan before any infection scan becomes
host to counter-worm software, and generates its own countering scans.
Spreading Patch ( D 2 )
1. Items (1) from the Empty Defense rules, (2), and (3) from the Simple Patch
2. If C ( h i ) <S ( h i ) the node labels the countering edge corresponding to the
j th element of
C i (say, ( s j , dst j )) with value C ( h i )+ s j , j =1 , 2 ,
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