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g x , pw, newpw
(1) Replay attack: The attacker intercepts id,
} K S sent by the
client in Step (1) and uses it to impersonate the client when sending the next
login message. For a random challenge, however, the g x and g y separately
generated by the client and server are different every time, and the replay
of the client's old login message in Step (1) is encrypted under the server's
public key K S . Furthermore, obtaining x and y is computationally infeasible,
as it is a discrete logarithm problem [5].
(2) Guessing attack: For a random challenge, the g x generated by the client
is protected by the server's public key K S . As such, no one can reveal
the g x from the client's login message
} K S without know-
ing the server's private key K . Hence, the attacker cannot verify the cor-
rectness of the guessed password by checking
g x , pw, newpw
g x ,guess pw, newpw
} K S
} K S without knowing g x and newpw .
(3) Server data eavesdropping: Servers are always the target of attacks. An
attacker may acquire vpw = H ( id, pw, K ) stored in the server. Without
knowing the server's secret key K , however, the attacker cannot forge a
login request to pass authentication, as pw is hidden in H ( id, pw, K )using
the server's secret key. Therefore, the correctness of the guessed password
cannot be verified by checking H ( id, guess pw, K )= vpw .
(4) Server spoofing attack: The improved scheme uses the server's public key
K S to ensure that only the real server can decrypt the client's login message
g x , pw, newpw
} K S . Only the real server can obtain g x , pw and newpw from
the client's login message. After verifying the identity of the client, the server
then sends C 1 and C 2 to the client to achieve mutual authentication.
(5) Denial-of-Service attack: In the improved scheme, the client's new password,
newpw , is also encrypted using the server's public key in Step (1). Therefore,
an attacker is unable to choose a random number to replace newpw .
(6) Mutual authentication: The improved scheme uses the Die-Hellman key
exchange algorithm [5] to provide mutual authentication. As a result, the
key is explicitly authenticated by a mutual confirmation session key.
(7) Perfect forward secrecy: In the improved scheme, since the Die-Hellman
key exchange algorithm is used to generate a session key g xy , forward secrecy
is ensured, as an adversary with a compromised server private key K is only
able to obtain the g x and g y from an earlier session. In addition, it is also
computationally infeasible to obtain the session key g xy from g x and g y ,as
it is a discrete logarithm problem.
g x , pw, newpw
6Con lu on
The current paper demonstrated that Lin-Hwang's protected password authen-
tication scheme is vulnerable to server data eavesdropping and improvements
to isolate such a problem were presented. In contrast to Lin-Hwang's protected
password change scheme, the proposed scheme can simply update user pass-
words without the need of a complicated process, and it also provides explicit
key authentication in the case of a session key agreement.
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