Information Technology Reference
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(3) Client
Server: id, H ( rc, rs ) ,H ( newpw )
H ( rc +1 ,rs ) ,H ( H ( newpw ) ,rs )
The client retrieves rs by computing rc
rc , then verifies the consistency
between the retrieved rs and the received H ( rs ). If the result is positive,
the client computes 'one-time' values as follows:
C auth token = H ( rc, rs ),
C auth token mask = H ( newpw )
H ( rc +1 ,rs ),
C auth token mask verifier = H ( H ( newpw ) ,rs ).
Finally, the client sends these 'one-time' values with the id to the server.
(4) Server
Client: Access granted / denied
The server computes the hash value H ( rc, rs ) using its own copies of rc
and rs , and checks whether H ( rc, rs )= C auth token holds or not. If it
holds, the server can obtain H ( newpw ) by computing C auth token mask
H ( rc +1 ,rs ). Then, the server replaces H ( pw )with H ( newpw ), only if the
hashed result of the obtained H ( newpw )and rs is equivalent to the received
C auth token mask verifier .
Cryptanalysis of Lin-Hwang's Schemes
This section demonstrates that Lin-Hwang's protected password authentication
scheme and protected password change scheme [3] are both vulnerable to server
data eavesdropping [4]. Also, it can be shown that Lin-Hwang's protected pass-
word change scheme is complex.
Server Data Eavesdropping: The hash value of the user password stored
in the server can be eavesdropped and then used to masquerade as the original
user. Lin-Hwang claimed that their schemes were resistant to security flaws when
secret data vpw = H ( pw ) is eavesdropped by an attacker, in order to forge the
login request to pass authentication. In practice, a long random string password
is dicult to use and remember, whereas a meaningful string that people can
recognize easily, such as a natural language phrase, is much more user-friendly as
a password. Natural language phrases, however, narrow down the possibilities for
attackers. Thus, if an attacker somehow acquires the secret data vpw = H ( pw )
stored in the server, they can verify the guessed password guess pw by checking
whether H ( guess pw )= vpw holds. If the password is guessed, the login request
can then be easily forged to pass authentication.
Ine cient Password Change: In Step (3) of Lin-Hwang's protected password
change scheme, the client sends three 'one-time' values with the id to the server
as follows:
C auth token = H ( rc, rs ),
C auth token mask = H ( newpw )
H ( rc +1 ,rs ),
C auth token mask verifier = H ( H ( newpw ) ,rs ).
Then, the server replaces H ( pw )with H ( newpw ) in Step (4). For a password
change and to avoid a Denial-of-Service attack, the scheme requires additional
calculations between the client and the server. This can be solved by the client
sending a new password by using the server's public key in Step (1). Therefore,
Lin-Hwang's protected password change scheme is inecient.
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