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The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 briefly re-
views Lin-Hwang's protected password change scheme, then Section 3 demon-
strates server data eavesdropping with Lin-Hwang's scheme and examines some
related problems. The proposed protected password change scheme is presented
in Section 4, while Section 5 discusses the security of the proposed scheme. The
conclusion is presented in Section 6.
A Review of Lin-Hwang's Schemes
This section briefly reviews Lin-Hwang's protected password change scheme.
Readers are referred to [3] for a complete list of references. The main difference
between Lin-Hwang's protected password transmission scheme and protected
password change scheme is that in the latter, the client sends a password change
request to the server. Some of the notations used in Lin-Hwang's scheme and
the proposed scheme are defined as follows:
- id : public user identity of client.
- pw : secret and possibly weak user password.
- K S : public server key.
} K S : public key encryption of message M with public server key K S .
- rc, rs : session-independent random numbers chosen by client and server, re-
- p, g : large prime p and generator g in cyclic group Z p ,inwhichtheDie-
Hellman problem is considered hard.
- x, y : session-independent random exponents chosen by client and server, re-
- SK : shared session key computed by client and server.
- H (
): strong one-way hash function.
: bit-wise XOR operation.
In Lin-Hwang's scheme, the server stores vpw = H ( pw ) for each client in the
database. The protected password change scheme allows a client to change their
old password pw to a new password newpw .
(1) Client
} K S
The user submits their id and pw to the client. The client then randomly
chooses an integer rc and encrypts rc and pw , using the server's public key
K S , and sends it with the id as a login request to the server.
(2) Server
Server: id,
rc, pw
Client: rs
rc, H ( rs )
The server decrypts
} K S to obtain rc and pw using its private key
K . Then, the server computes the hash value H ( pw ) and checks whether
H ( pw )= vpw holds. If it holds, the server randomly chooses an integer rs ,
computes rc
rc, pw
rs and H ( rc ), then the server sends rc
rs , H ( rc )tothe
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