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P i (encryption)
O ( l + m )
O ( l + m )
O (1)
S i (encryption)
O ( l )
O (1)
S i (decryption)
O ( n )
O ( n )
O (1)
E i (decryption)
O ( n )
O ( n + m )
O (1)
The security of the protocols lies in the diculty of breaking the discrete log-
arithm problem and threshold multi-party computation with computational se-
curity (see [4]). An external adversary has to compromise at least t +1 players
to reconstruct d in order to
be able to decrypt k . The distributed storage of c 2 has two effects: firstly, the
availability of ciphertext and secondly, the restriction of several ciphertext-based
attacks. However, if an adversary is able to force any player in
to reconstruct c 2
and at least t +1 FLP in
to compute
and publish c 2 the second advantage disappears. Considering the decryption of
k , it is obvious that internal adversaries (
) do not really have more power
than external ones. Performing ciphertext-based attacks is not possible for up
to t players in
remains honest).
4Con lu on
We proposed a key escrow system that fulfils the requirements stated in section 1
by using a particular version of distributed ElGamal to achieve several security-
properties (discussed in section 3.1). For a detailed description of our proposal
including more applications we refer to our technical report [8]. An extended
version considering active adversaries can be found in our technical report [6].
1. Desmedt, Y., Frankel, Y.: Threshold Cryptosystems. Adv. in Crypt.: CRYPTO'89,
Springer-Verlag (1990) 307-315
2. ElGamal, T.: A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Dis-
crete Logarithms. Adv. in Crypt.: CRYPTO'84, Springer-Verlag (1985) 10-18
3. Goldreich, O. et al: How to play any mental game - a completeness theorem for
protocols with honest majority. Proc. 19th ACM STOC (1987) 218-229
4. Hirt, M.: Multi-Party Computation: Ecient Protocols, General Adversaries,
and Voting. Ph.D. thesis. ETH Series in Information Security and Cryptography,
Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz (2001)
5. Pedersen, T.: A threshold cryptosystem without a trusted party. Adv. in Crypt.:
EUROCRYPT'91, LNCS, Vol.547 (1991) 522-526
6. Schaffer, M.: Hierarchical Key Escrow with Active Adversaries. Technical Report
TR-syssec-05-03, University of Klagenfurt, Austria (2005)
7. Schaffer, M.: Tree-shared Generation of a Secret Value. Technical Report TR-syssec-
05-01, University of Klagenfurt, Austria (2005)
8. Schaffer, M., Schartner, P.: Hierarchical Key Escrow with Passive Adversaries.
Technical Report TR-syssec-05-02, University of Klagenfurt, Austria (2005)
9. Shamir, A.: How to share a secret. Comm. of the ACM, Vol.11 (1979) 612-613
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