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the start of state machine A HTTP according to the RFC requirements and specific
characteristics of the protected Web-server.
For the sake of simple graphical representations of state-machine modules we will
use the following symbolic notations:
A - set of English alphabet letters,
N - set of numbers (0 - 9), symbols «.», «#», «?», «/», «%» and underline symbol,
NOP - semantic operator, which doesn't perform any actions,
“_” - space symbol,
“CRLF” - symbol, which denotes carriage return and line feed.
The description of modules of state machine A HTTP is cited below.
3.1 Module of HTTP-Method Analysis
The module of HTTP-method analysis starts the processing of input symbols of state
machine A HTTP . The module checks that the analyzed HTTP-request is based on one
of the allowed HTTP-methods, which are defined in variable S method . The graph model
of this module is depicted in Fig. 2.
The first module consists of three states s 0 , s 1 , s 2
S and three semantic operators y 0 ,
y 1 , y 2
Y , that are executed during the transition of the machine from one state to
another. The description of these states and semantic operators of the module is cited in
Table 1.
Fig. 2. The graph model of HTTP-method analysis module of finite state machine A HTTP
Table 1. The description of states and semantic operators of HTTP-method analysis module
Semantic operator, which is
executed during the transition
The first input
symbol is a letter of
English alphabet a A
The semantic operator y 1 is executed. Operator y 1
clears the value of Z ( Z =“”) and initializes it with
the first input symbol a A ( Z = a )
from s 0 to s 1
The semantic operator y 2 is executed. This operator
concatenates the value of Z with the input symbol a
( Z = Z + a )
The input symbol is a
letter of English
alphabet a A
from s 1 to s 1
The semantic operator y 2 is executed. Operator
performs the following check. If the value of Z
corresponds to one of elements of S methods then the
subsequent processing of input string is
implemented by the module of URL analysis.
Otherwise the processing of input strings is stopped
because the analyzed HTTP-request contains the
unsupported HTTP-method
from s 1 to s 2
The input symbol is a
space symbol “_”
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