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2.5 Example 1
We now consider an example consisting of four distinct exploits. Each exploit
is represented as a state transition rule. An attacker can chain these together
invariousways(seeFigure1),someofwhich let him penetrate a protected
network. We will use this example in the remainder of this paper to illustrate
and motivate our algorithms and contributions.
DNS Server
δ 1
δ 2
δ 4 5
δ 3
δ 2
Mail Server
Fig. 1. An example of exploit chaining
Exploits BIND NXT Remote Root Exploit
The incorrect processing of DNS NXT records by a BIND name server may
allow an attacker to gain a root level privilege on a remote vulnerable name
server [3,19]. Let P be the primary name server which is authoritative for some
domain, say “”. The attacker A first establishes his machine H as the
authoritative name server for some subdomain of “”, say “”.
The victim name server V is then interactively queried for some host in that
subdomain. V then queries P which redirects the query to H . H returns a NXT
record containing exploit code, overflowing V 's buffer, and spawning a shell for
the attacker. The shell has the same process level that the DNS process had.
Note that the exploit requires that H is not running DNS on port 53. We model
the exploit as a rule δ 1 .
a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 ,a 4 ,a 5 ,a 6 ,a 7 ,a 8 ,a 9 ; b 1 δ 1 c 1 ; d 1
where: a 1 = sh(A, root, P) , a 2 = sh(A, root, H) , a 3 = reachable(H, V, 53) ,
a 4 = reachable(V, P, 53) , a 5 = reachable(P, H, 53) , a 6 = service(DNS, 53, l 1 ,
P) , a 7 = service(vul-DNS, 53, l 2 ,V) , a 8 = DNS-authority(P, “”) , a 9 =
DNS-subdomain(P, “”, H) , b 1 = service(DNS, 53, l 3 ,H) , c 1 = sh(A,
l 2 ,V) ,and d 1 = service(vul-DNS, 53, l 2 ,V) .
Generic SSHd Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
The remote SSHd buffer overflow exploit allows an attacker to get a shell on a
remote host with root privileges. We model this exploit by a transition rule δ 2
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