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Assumption Truth Maintenance System (ATMS [10]). Precisely, a node label is
a set of environments and an environment is a set of hypotheses. The previous
example will thus involve only one node represented by 1
(1 , 2) , (3 , 3)
where 1
isthenodecore,(1 , 2) and (3 , 3) are both environments, and
(1 , 2) , (3 , 3)
is the
node label. In the following, given a state t ,weuse t n to denote its corresponding
node core, t c to describe its resulting environment, and Label ( G, t ) to refer to
its label in graph G .
Inferring Scenarios with S-TLC
The S-TLC Model Checker is described by Algorithm 1. It employs three data
U B . The first refers to the reachability directed graph under
construction generated during forward chaining and backward chaining phase.
The last two are FIFO queues, containing states whose successors have not
being yet computed respectively during forward and backward chaining phases.
The algorithm assumes that a configuration file is done as input, it includes
statements denoting that Init is the initial state predicate, Next is the next state
relation, Invariant is a state-predicate to be satisfied by each reachable state,
and Inc is the predicate to be equal false for all states of the system behavior,
it represents the the set of S-TLA inconsistencies. Moreover, the specification is
supposed to be made finite-state. To that effect the configuration file is presumed
to include statements stating that Constraint is a predicate that asserts bounds
on the set of reachable states, and EvidenceState is a predicate characteristic of
a terminal state representing forensic evidences.
To append a node to the graph under construction, the algorithm uses func-
tion Append (
U F and
with a pointer to its
predecessor state s . Besides, a state s is attached to a FIFO queue
, t, t
s )toaddanode t to graph
using the
function Append (
, s ) and detached using the function Tail (
). Moreover, a
node t is joined to an existing node s inside the graph
using the function
Join (
, t
s ). S-TLC works in three phases:
Initialization Phase:
U F and
U B are created and initialized
respectively to empty set
. During this step, each state
satisfying the initial system predicate is computed and then checked whether
it satisfies predicate Invariant . In that case, it will be appended to
and empty sequence
computing its label, and pointing it to the null state. If the state does not
satisfy EvidenceState , it will be attached to the unseen queue
U F ,otherwise,
it will be considered as a terminal state and appended to
U B in order to be
retrieved in backward chaining phase.
Forward Chaining Phase: During this phase, the algorithm starts with
equal to the set of initial system states. Afterwards and until the queue becomes
empty, state s (representing the tail of
U F ) is retrieved and its successor states are
computed. From the latter, for every state (denoted by t ) satisfying Constraint ,
if Invariant is not satisfied, an error is generated and the algorithm terminates,
otherwise t is appended to
as follows:
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