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Let λ be a (finite or infinite) trace. We denote by Pref ( λ ) the set of finite
prefixes of λ . More generally, if Tr is a set of traces, Pref ( Tr )= λ∈Tr Pref ( λ ).
Let u, v
( A ) n , u =( x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x n ) ,v =( y 1 ,y 2 ,...,y n ). We denote by
v the simple interleaving of u and v defined as u
v = x 1 y 1 x 2 y 2 ...x n y n .
( A ) n ,wedenoteby U
If U, V
V the set: U
V =
U, v
( A ) ω , the definition of U
V is extended in a standard way.
The interleaving of two sequences x, y , denoted by interl ( x, y )isthesetof
If U, V
x 1 y 1 x 2 y 2 ...x n y n |
x = x 1 x 2 ...x n ,n
,y = y 1 y 2 ...y n ,x i ,y i
A }
This extends to sets of sequences: interl ( X, Y )= {interl ( x, y ) | x ∈ X, y ∈ Y } .
Probabilistic Event System
The execution of a system is modeled by its set Tr of traces which are finite or
infinite sequences of atomic events from a set E . A particular atomic event τ is
distinguished which represents the halting of the system. For example, if λ is a
sequence of atomic events, it is useful to distinguish between “ λ has occurred but
the system still executes”, and “ λ has occurred and the system has stopped”.
The latter case is modeled by the event λτ . To unify the presentation, it is
convenient to use only infinite sequences, writing λτ ω instead of λτ . Then, from
now on, Tr is a set of infinite sequences which do not contain any occurrence of
τ except when they are of the form λτ ω where λ contains no occurrence of τ .
The set of atomic events E is divided into two disjoint sets, the set H of high-
level atomic events and the set L of low-level ones. Depending on the situation,
the stop event τ can be considered as a low-level or a high-level event. In this
paper, we only consider the case when the low-level user can observe that the
system has stopped, i.e., τ
L .
The set of traces Tr is equipped with a probability measure µ over the σ -
algebra generated by the cylinders λE ω , λ
E , such that Tr is µ -measurable.
The measure µ ( X ) of a measurable set X is denoted as Pr µ ( X ), or shortly
Pr ( X ). Thus if we consider the infinite tree T built from Tr with edges labeled
by atomic events, each edge of the tree is equipped with a non-zero probability.
(We assume that every prefix of a trace in Tr has a non-zero probability).
Traditionally, an event is a measurable set in the theory of probabilities, so
to avoid confusion, the atomic events of the system will be called actions.
We use the customary notation for conditional probabilities: if P and Q are
two measurable events and Pr ( Q )
= 0, the conditional probability Pr ( P
Q )is
Pr ( P
Q ) /Pr ( Q ). Since we are interested only in traces of the system S we deal
only with conditional probabilities relative to Tr . Thus, for each measurable
event X we denote by Pr S ( X ) the probability Pr ( X
S ) (assuming Pr ( S ) > 0).
Definition 1. An event system S is a tuple ( E, H, L,Tr ,µ ) where E = H
and H (resp. L) is the set of high-level (resp. low-level) actions, Tr is the set of
traces of the system, and µ is a probabilistic measure on Tr.
We assume that only low-level actions are observable on the low-level, i.e.,
for a trace λ the projection λ |L is observable by low-level users. More precisely,
a finite prefix of λ |L is observable. Thus, from the observation of u
L ,the
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