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input : pseudonym P ,privateexponent d
output: UID || OK / NOK
retrieve EID and n form P
compute UID =D d ( EID )
// retrieve the UID
(3) return UID
|| OK
Fig. 5. Disclosure of a Unique Pseudonym (1)
1. When disclosing his pseudonym, the user sends a modified value of his private
exponent d such that UID =D d ( EID )and UID
= UID .
2. Another User (with identifier UID ) who knows the identifier of a specific
user ( UID ) generates a pseudonym P =E e ( UID
n in order
to impersonate the user with UID .
Disclosure of a False Identity
If somebody reveals a private key d (and the primes p and q building the modulus
n = p
q ) to a verifier in order to disclose his pseudonym, this private key cannot
be manipulated (forged) so that the verifier retrieves an identity different from
the identity used to generate the pseudonym. This is simply given by the fact,
that exactly one value of d fulfills the requirement e
1(mod ϕ ( n )), with
ϕ ( n )=( p
Note: This is contrary to the variant that employs symmetric encryption,
where the key may be changed (attack based on a plaintext-ciphertext-pair) in
order to retrieve a different identity.
1)( q
The complete procedure for disclosure of a pseudonym is given in the algo-
rithm stated in figure 6. The algorithm runs on the inputs P , d , p and q and
returns the user identifier UID if all checks concerning the correctness of d have
been passed.
input : pseudonym P ,privateexponent d , primes p and q
output: UID || OK / NOK
(1) retrieve EID , e and n form P
(2) if ( p · q = n ) then
// check the primes
(3) return 0 || NOK
(4) if ( e · d ≡ 1 (mod ϕ ( n ))) then
// check the public exponent
return 0 || NOK
compute UID =D d ( EID )
// retrieve the UID
(7) return UID || OK
Fig. 6. Disclosure of a Unique Pseudonym (2)
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