Information Technology Reference
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Table 1. Mapping from RBAC to Access-Control Logic
Access-Control Logic
A permission q is associated with role R
p ∈ ap ( R )
U serves RA
User U is authorized to act in role R .
ap ( R ) R
Role R 1 inherits role R 2 ( R 1 R 2 )
R 1 ap ( R 2 ) R 2
User U asserting role R makes a request q .
U|R says q
User U , acting in authorized role R , makes a request q .
U for RA R says q
From above, we know that ( Chair {rsg,rt} Ten ) ( Ten {rsg} Fac ). Role
transitivity allows us to conclude Chair {rsg} Fac . Taken together with
Alice serves RA
Figure 4's role-subsumption rule (Role Sub) lets us deduce Alice serves RA
Fac .
Fac says rsg and Alice serves RA
Fac , we can use the Figure 4's
role-delegation rule (Role Del) to deduce ( Alice for RA Fac ) says rsg as needed. As
aresult, Alice 's request can be granted.
From Alice
4.5 Summary
Table 1 summarizes how RBAC concepts are translated into formulas of the
access-control logic, providing a guideline for describing RBAC policies in the
logic. The logical rules in Figure 4 provide the basis for reasoning about access-
control decisions. Specifically, to determine whether a request U
R says q should
be granted, it suces to determine whether the statement ( U for RA R ) says q can
be deduced from the logical rules.
Formal Specifications of RBAC Constraints
RBAC's separation-of-duty constraints do not directly affect access-control de-
cisions, in that they are not checked at the time a decision is made. Rather, they
impose additional restrictions on the initial specification of an RBAC policy.
Therefore, we have not incorporated them into our access-control logic. However,
it is desirable to be able to verify that a given policy is consistent: its user-role
assignment and role hierarchy should not conflict with the stated separation-of-
duty constraints.
For this reason, we have formalized RBAC constraints in the Higher-Order
Logic (HOL) theorem prover. The result is a tool which one can verify the con-
sistency of RBAC policies. Because the access-control logic has also been imple-
mented and proved sound in HOL, we can easily convert RBAC policies which
has been proved consistent in HOL into the access-control logic for reasoning
about access-control decisions.
5.1 Static Separation of Duty
The role-inheritance relationship between roles R 1 and R 2 ( R 1
R 2 )isapar-
tial order and thus reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric. In RBAC, the role
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