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It is important to confirm that this formulation accurately captures all of
the important properties of inheritance: reflexivity, transitivity, and the subset
relationships between related roles' authorized users and authorized permissions.
That is, we must ensure that the logical rules (and thus the logic's semantics)
validate the following properties:
- For all roles R ,
ap ( R ) R .
This rule is an instance of the
-reflexivity rule (
Ref) from Figure 4.
- For all roles R 1 ,R 2 ,R 3 ,
( R 1 ap ( R 2 ) R 2
R 2 ap ( R 3 ) R 3 )
R 1 ap ( R 3 ) R 3 .
Recall that, whenever R 2
R 3 , authorized permissions ( R 3 ) is a subset of
authorized permissions ( R 2 ), and thus ap ( R 3 )
ap ( R 2 ). Therefore, ap ( R 3 )=
ap ( R 3 )
ap ( R 2 ), and the desired rule is simply an instance of the
Trans) from Figure 4.
- For all roles R 1 and R 2 ,users U , and role authorities RA ,
transitivity rule (
U serves RA
( U serves RA
( R 1 ap ( R 2 ) R 2
ap ( R 1 ) R 1 )
ap ( R 2 ) R 2 ) .
That is, if U is an authorized user of R 1 and R 1 inherits R 2 ,then U is
also an authorized user of R 2 . Once again, we rely on the relationship
ap ( R 2 )
ap ( R 1 ) to see that the desired rule is simply an instance of the
role-subsumption (Role Sub) rule from Figure 4.
Reasoning About Access-Control Decisions
To demonstrate the use of the logic in reasoning about access-control decisions,
we return to the example from Section 2. We temporarily ignore the separation-
of-duty constraints, and focus on the access-control aspects of the example.
Recall that the permission read student grade reports is associated with the
role Fac :weuse rsg as the primitive proposition corresponding to this per-
mission. For simplicity, we also assume the permission rant (proposition rt )is
assigned to the Ten role; there are no other explicit permission assignments.
Thus, the role hierarchy shown in Figure 1 can be described as follows:
( CS Fac
{rsg} Fac )
( CE Fac
{rsg} Fac )
( UnTen
{rsg} Fac )
( Ten
{rsg} Fac )
( Chair
{rsg,rt} Ten )
( P&T VM
{rsg,rt} Ten ) .
Recall that Alice is explicitly assigned to the role Chair . This fact can be
represented in the logic by the statement Alice serves RA
Chair . This state-
ment, along with the description of the role hierarchy above, provide the basis for
reasoning about whether Alice should be allowed to read student grade reports.
More specifically, we interpret Alice 's attempt to read student grade reports
as a statement Alice
Fac says rsg . Ultimately, the reference monitor must be
able to deduce that ( Alice for RA Fac ) says rsg , in which case the request will be
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