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The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a brief
RBAC tutorial. Section 3 describes the syntax and and semantics of our logic,
which builds on the work of Abadi and colleagues [11,1]. Section 4 explains how
RBAC relations are described in our extended logic. Section 5 presents the HOL
definitions of static and dynamic separation of duty constraints. Finally, our
conclusions are in Section 6.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) [5,4,6] replaces direct user-permission as-
sociations in traditional access control through a combination of user-role and
role-permission associations. Rather than assigning individuals specific permis-
sions that may change as their duties and status change, an RBAC policy assigns
users to roles and grants permissions to roles. In RBAC, an access request q made
by a user U will be granted if and only if U is authorized to act in a role R that
has been granted the permission q .
RBAC policies involve three essential entities: a set of users, a set of roles,
and a set of permissions. RBAC also defines a set UA of user assignments and a
set PA of permission assignments: ( U, R )
UA means that user U has the right
to act in role R ,and( p, R )
PA means that permission p is assigned to role R .
Role Inheritance
RBAC also includes a partial order over roles called role inheritance .When
role R 1 inherits role R 2 , denoted R 1
R 2 ,everyuser U explicitly assigned
to role R 1 is also implicitly assigned to role R 2 ; likewise, every permission p
explicitly associated with role R 2 is implicitly associated with role R 1 .Thesets
authorized users ( R )and authorized permissions ( R ) define the authorized users
and authorized permissions of a role R are given respectively:
authorized users ( R )=
(( U, R )
R )
UA )
authorized permissions ( R )=
R )
(( p, R )
PA )
From these definitions, it is straightforward to verify the following two properties:
1. If R 1
R 2 ,then authorized users ( R 1 )
authorized users ( R 2 ).
2. If R 1
R 2 ,then authorized permissions ( R 2 )
authorized permissions ( R 1 ).
Separation of Duty
RBAC also supports constraints such as separation of duty. Static separation of
duty provides a way to specify mutually exclusive roles (i.e., roles that should
never have authorized users in common). In RBAC, static separation of duty is
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