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Table 7. Timedprotectionsystem Π
begin create object ω ;enter r 0 into A ( σ, ω ) ;enter r 1 into
A ( σ, ω ) ;enter r 2 into A ( σ, ω ) end
if r 0 is in A ( σ, ω ) since at least duration 2 then enter r 3
into A ( σ )
if r 0 is in A ( σ, ω ) since at least duration 2 then enter r 4
into A ( σ )
if r 3 is in A ( σ, ω ) since at least duration 3 and r 4 is
in A ( σ ) since at least duration 3 then enter r 5 into
A ( σ )
The concept of timed protection system and the adjectives conditional, monotonic,
monoconditional, and mono-operational are defined as in section 3. For all i
C timed ( i, j )betheclassofalltimed
protection systems such that none of their timed commands contain more than
i elementary condition or more than j primitive operations and
0 , 1 , 2 ,
and for all j
1 , 2 ,
timed ( i, j )be
C timed ( i, j ). For example,
the timed protection system Π shownintable7isintheclass
the class of all monotonic timed protection systems in
timed (2 ,
). A
timed history is a mapping that assigns to every non-negative real number a pro-
tection state. Timed histories will be denoted by the letters h , h , etc, possibly
with subscripts. We are interested in non-Zeno timed histories, i.e. timed histo-
ries changing at most a finite number of times in any finite interval. Hence, we
assume that for all timed histories h , there exists a strictly increasing sequence
v 0 , v 1 , ... of real numbers such that:
- v 0 =0,
- lim n→∞ v n =
- for all non-negative integers n , there exists a protection state n such that
h ( v )= n for all v
[ v n ,v n +1 [.
We shall say that the sequence ( v 0 ,∆ 0 ), ( v 1 ,∆ 1 ), ... is a timed sequence for h .
In such sequences, the three components of protection state n will be denoted
S n , O n ,and A n for each non-negative integer n . To gain some intuition, the
reader may easily see that the sequence (0 ,∆ ), (1 ,∆ ), (2 ,∆ ), (3 ,∆ ), (4 ,∆ ),
(5 ,∆ ), (6 ,∆ ), (7 ,∆ (4) ), (8 ,∆ (4) ), ... is a timed sequence for the timed history
h shown in table 8, where , , , ,and (4) are the protection states
defined by tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Let θ be a substitution and C be an elementary
condition. Suppose there is no variable in θ ( C ), i.e. every variable in C is replaced
by an individual through the use of θ .If h is a timed history with timed sequence
( v 0 ,∆ 0 ), ( v 1 ,∆ 1 ), ... and v is a non-negative real number then we shall say that
θ makes C true in h at v ,insymbols h, v
= θ C , iff the following condition is
- C is “ r is in A ( σ, ω ) since at least duration d ”, d
v , and for all non-negative
integers n ,if v n <v and v
d<v n +1 then θ ( σ )isin S n , θ ( ω )isin O n ,and
r is in A n ( θ ( σ ) ( ω )).
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