Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The southern end of the track is at Lyell , 50 minutes' drive (62km) east of Westport
along the scenic Buller Gorge (SH6). The DOC campsite and day walks here have long
been popular, with visitors drawn in by readily accessible historic sites including a grave-
yard secreted in the bush. The northern trailhead is at Seddonville ( Click here ) , 45
minutes' drive (50km) north of Westport off SH67, from where the track sidles along the
steep-sided and utterly stunning Mokihinui River. Joining the two ends is a spectacular
alpine section, with views from sunrise to sunset.
The track is dual use. Advanced mountain bikers can complete it in 2 to 3 days, while
walkers are best to allow five. There are six huts along the way, all of which need to be
booked in advance. The track can also be explored in day trips from either end, with both
offering a satisfying adventure.
This track is brand-spanking new, and is only just bedding down, so check the website
for the latest news, and visit Murchison and Westport i-SITEs for advice on transport and
Norwest Adventures CAVING, RAILWAY
( 03-788 8168, 0800 116 686; ; SH6, Charleston) From its monolithic
new base (with cafe) at Charleston, 26km south of Westport, this friendly bunch run
'Underworld' cave-rafting trips ($175, four hours) into the glow-worm-filled Nile River
Caves. Glow without the flow (no rafting) is $110 per person. Tours begin with a fun
rainforest railway ride, available separately (adult/child $20/15, 1½ hours). The Adven-
ture Caving trip ($340, five hours) includes a 40m abseil into Te Tahi tomo (hole) with
rock squeezes, waterfalls, prehistoric fossils and trippy cave formations.
Bazil's Hostel HOSTEL $
( 03-789 6410; ; 54 Russell St; dm $28, d without/with bathroom $68/90)
Funky Bazil's is managed by sporty, well-travelled locals who run their own surf school
(three-hour lesson $70; board and suit hire per day $30) and offer mountain-bike hire,
free kayaks and hook-ups with other local activities. Bazil's thoughtfully corrals its tour-
bus clientele into their own area, leaving indie travellers peace and quiet in the many
mural-painted corners.
Trip Inn HOSTEL $
03-789 7367, 0800 737 773; ; 72 Queen Street; dm $27-29, d $74;
Westport's stately hostel option is a grand 150-year-old villa with mature gardens.
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