Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Southeast of Rotorua
Sights & Activities
Redwoods Whakarewarewa Forest FOREST
( ; Long Mile Rd, off Tarawera Rd; 5.30am-8.30pm) This magical
forest park is 3km southeast of town on Tarawera Rd. It was originally home to over 170
tree species (a few less now), planted from 1899 to see which could be grown success-
fully for timber. Radiata pine proved a hit (as evident throughout NZ), but it's the mighty
Californian redwoods that give the park its grandeur today.
Clearly signposted walking tracks range from a half-hour wander through the Red-
wood Grove to an enjoyable whole-day route to the Blue and Green Lakes. Most walks
start from the Redwoods Gift Shop & Visitor Centre OFFLINE MAP ( 07-350 0110; ; Long Mile Rd, off Tarawera Rd; 8.30am-5.30pm Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm Sat &
Sun Oct-Mar, 8.30am-4.30pm Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm Sat & Sun Apr-Sep) , where you can get maps
and view displays about the forest. Aside from walking, the park is great for picnics and
acclaimed for its accessible mountain biking . Mountain Bike Rotorua ( Click here ) and
Planet Bike ( Click here ) offer bike hire, across the park off Waipa State Mill Rd.
( 07-362 8287; ; 1180 Tarawera Rd; adult/child/family $35/10/66;
9am-5pm Nov-Mar, to 4.30pm Apr-Oct) Fifteen kilometres from Rotorua on Tarawera Rd,
beyond the pretty Blue and Green Lakes, is the buried village of Te Wairoa, interred by
the eruption of Mt Tarawera in 1886. Te Wairoa was the staging post for travellers com-
ing to see the Pink and White Terraces. Today a museum houses objects dug from the ru-
ins, and guides in period costume escort groups through the excavated sites. There's also
a walk to the 30m Te Wairoa Falls and a teahouse if you're feeling more sedate.
Lake Tarawera LAKE
( ; Tarawera Rd) Tarawera means 'Burnt Spear', named by a visiting hunter
who left his bird spears in a hut and on returning the following season found both the
spears and hut had been burnt. The lake is picturesque and good for swimming, fishing,
cruises and walks.
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