Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Don't expect much urban virtue from agricultural Hawera, the largest town in South
Taranaki. Still, it's a good pit stop for supplies, to stretch your legs, or to bed down for a
night. And don't miss Elvis!
Sights & Activities
KD's Elvis Presley Museum MUSEUM
( 06-278 7624; ; 51 Argyle St; admission by donation) Elvis lives! At
least he does at Kevin D Wasley's astonishing museum, which houses over 10,000 of the
King's records and a mind-blowing collection of Elvis memorabilia collected over 50
years. 'Passion is an understatement', says KD. Just don't ask him about the chubby
Vegas-era Elvis: his focus is squarely on the rock 'n' roll King from the '50s and '60s.
Admission is by appointment, phone ahead.
Hawera Water Tower TOWER, LOOKOUT
( ; 55 High St; adult/child/family $2.50/1/6; 10am-2pm) The austere,
54.21m Hawera Water Tower beside the i-SITE is one of the coolest things in Hawera.
Grab the key from the i-SITE, ascend the 215 steps, then scan the horizon for signs of
life (you can see the coast and Mt Taranaki on a clear day).
Tawhiti Museum MUSEUM
( ; 401 Ohangai Rd; adult/child $12/6; 10am-4pm Fri-Mon Feb-May &
Sep-Dec, Sun only Jun-Aug, daily Jan) The excellent Tawhiti Museum houses a collection of
exhibits, dioramas and creepily lifelike human figures modelled on people from the re-
gion. A large collection of tractors pays homage to rural heritage; there's also a bush rail-
way and a 'Traders & Whalers' boat ride here (extra charges for both). It's near the
corner of Tawhiti Rd, 4km north of town.
Wheatly Downs Farmstay FARMSTAY $
( 06-278 6523; ; 484 Ararata Rd; campsites from $20, dm/s/tw $30/75/
75, d with/without bathroom $130/75; ) Set in a rural idyll, this heritage building is a clas-
sic, with its clunky wooden floors and no-nonsense fittings. Host Gary is an affable
bloke, and might show you his special pigs. To get there, head past the turn-off to
Tawhiti Museum and continue on Ararata Rd for 5.5km. Pick-ups by arrangement.
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