Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
system, taking in caverns with glowworms, subterranean streams and waterfalls, and in-
tricate limestone structures. Visitors have described it as spiritual - some claim it's
haunted - and it's customary to wash your hands when leaving to remove the tapu (ta-
boo). Book tours at the visitor centre, or at the departure point, the Legendary Black
Water Rafting Company.
Waitomo Caves Discovery Centre MUSEUM
( 07-878 7640, 0800 474 839; ; 21 Waitomo Caves Rd; adult/child $5/
free; 9am-5.30pm) Adjoining the i-SITE, the Waitomo Caves Discovery Centre has ex-
cellent exhibits explaining how caves are formed, the flora and fauna that thrive in them
and the history of Waitomo's caves and cave exploration.
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