Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
your glass in the lake than buying bottled water. It's also very cold. That beach by Mar-
ine Pde may look tempting on a scorching day, but trust us - you won't want to splash
about in water that hovers around 10°C year-round. Because cold water increases the risk
of drowning, local bylaws require the wearing of life jackets in all boats under 6m, in-
cluding kayaks, on all of the district's lakes.
Maori tradition sees the lake's shape as the burnt outline of the evil giant Matau sleep-
ing with his knees drawn up. Local lad Matakauri set fire to the bed of bracken on which
the giant slept in order to rescue his beloved Manata, a chief's daughter who was kid-
napped by the giant. The fat from Matau's body created a fire so intense that it burnt a
hole deep into the ground.
Top Sights
1 Queenstown Gardens D4
2 Skyline Gondola C2
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