Biology Reference
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Figure 7. My identifications placed directly on a copy of Taung's endocast.
Abbreviations: a 1 , superior parallel branch of superior temporal sulcus (ts);
a 3 ,  anterior occipital branch of ts; co, coronal suture; fm, middle frontal sulcus;
fo, fronto-orbital sulcus; fs, frontal superior sulcus; h, horizontal branch of pre-
central inferior sulcus (pci); ip?, possible part of intraparietal sulcus, most of
which was not reproduced on the endocast; L?, depression that indicates prob-
able top (medial) end of lunate sulcus, most of which was not reproduced on
the endocast; lb, lambdoid suture; lc, lateral calcarine sulcus; m, meningeal ves-
sels; oci, inferior occipital sulcus; r, rectus sulcus; tm, middle temporal sulcus;
tp, temporal pole; u, separate branch of lc. Other depressions and possible faint
sulci are indicated with stipples and dashes. The “chip” of adhering bone,
the sutures, and the vessels are superficial to the sulci. Notice the damaged
(rough) areas. Dart recognized a short segment of lb just slightly behind the
lower part of the actual suture in an unpublished illustration (figure 8) and
related notes. The tp was recently restored by Ron Clarke (Falk and Clarke
2007). Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz.
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