Biology Reference
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endocast short for endocranial cast, a mold of the interior of the braincase
that reproduces the shape of the brain and some of its surface details; may
occur naturally or be prepared artificially
frontal lobe most anterior lobe in each hemisphere of the brain, contains
primary motor cortex and association cortices that are important for
processing higher cognitive functions, including speech, long-term
memory, planning, emotional control, and social intelligence
fronto-orbital sulcus (fo) sulcus that incises the edge and courses under-
neath the back part of the frontal lobe; significant because it appears in
apes but not in humans
frontopolar cortex cortex in most anterior part of frontal lobes, known
as BA 10
gray matter gray-colored parts of brain that contain neuronal cell bodies,
e.g., convolutions of the cerebral cortex; contrasts with the white fibers
that communicate between regions containing neuronal bodies (white
gyrus (plural gyri) a convolution or fold of gray matter
homunculus figure of a little human that illustrates the maps for the
primary somatosensory and motor cortices on the surface of the brain
lambdoid suture jagged seam at the back of skull where parietal and
occipital bones join during development; may be reproduced on endocasts
and was mistaken for the lunate sulcus on the Taung endocast by
Raymond Dart
lunate sulcus crescent-shaped sulcus that approximates the anterior
border of the primary visual cortex in monkeys and apes; controversial in
studies of hominin brain evolution
microcephaly a pathological condition in which individuals have abnormally
small heads because their brains failed to grow normally; typified by big
faces, sloping foreheads, and protruding posterior parts of the brain; caused
by various environmental and genetic factors
mosaic brain evolution idea that different parts of the cerebral cortex
evolved at different times, controversial
neurological reorganization evolutionary changes in the internal
wiring, neurochemistry, and relative proportions of different parts of
the brain
neuron nerve cell that conducts impulses, a basic unit of the brain
occipital lobe most posterior lobe in each hemisphere of the brain,
processes vision
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