Biology Reference
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3. The codiscoverers of natural selection also had wanderlust. Charles Dar-
win and Alfred Russel Wallace were both inspired by sea voyages that permit-
ted them to observe natural phenomena on faraway islands.
4. Shipman 2002, 234.
5. Shipman 2002, 186.
6. Dart 1925a; Darwin 1871.
7. Shipman 2002, 320; Dart with Craig 1959, 59.
8. Dubois 1894. Shipman (2002, 505) points out that Dubois's monograph was
criticized for its brevity, among other reasons, and suggests that these criti-
cisms were instrumental in establishing the standards for modern monographs.
9. Morwood and Jungers 2009.
10. Shipman 2002, 186; Dubois 1924; Keith 1931, 297. The Trinil 2 skullcap is
today estimated to be from an individual who had a cranial capacity of between
850 and 940 cm 3 (Spencer 1990a, 41; Holloway, Broadfield, and Yuan 2001, 298).
11. Lydekker 1895, 291.
12. Shipman 2002, 313, 329; Dubois 1896, 244.
13. Shipman 2002, 284, 313.
14. Shipman 2002, 313.
15. Shipman 2002, 319.
16. Quoted in Shipman 2002, from “Homo Erectus,” a newspaper report in
Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad, February 6, 1893. For discussion, see Shipman 2002, 195-99.
17. Dubois 1896, 243-44.
18. Dubois 1896, 245.
19. Dubois 1896, 244.
20. Unlike Dart, however, Dubois became so entrenched in defending his
discovery as the missing link that he eventually died an embittered, rather than
a vindicated, man. In his later years, Dubois overstated the apelike (gibbonlike)
attributes of Pithecanthropus erectus compared with other similar fossils that were
eventually discovered on Java. Contrary to lore, however, he never reversed his
opinion that his discovery represented an ape-man in favor of Virchow's claim
that it was from a fossil gibbon (Shipman 2002, 506)—nor, as far as I can tell,
did he bury his fossils underneath his dining room floor!
21. Shipman 2002, 65-66; Darwin 1871.
22. Keith 1931, 273.
23. Tobias 1996.
24. Dubois 1924.
25. These techniques are used to study how different parts of the body scale
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