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popular accounts of the controversy surrounding the maker of the tools on Liang
Bua, see Kohn 2005; and Wong 2005.
26. Moore 2007, 22.
27. Moore 2007, 16-17.
28. At the moment, what happened on Flores between 17,000 and 11,000 years
ago is anybody's guess. Did some of the hobbits survive the volcanic eruption,
and, if so, was there any contact between them and Homo sapiens ? We hope to
have answers to these questions in the future.
29. van den Bergh et al. 2009.
30. Morwood et al. 2005; Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 114.
31. van den Bergh et al. 2009.
32. Roberts et al. 2009; Morwood et al. 2005.
33. Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 142 -43.
34. van den Bergh et al. 2008.
35. van den Bergh et al. 2009.
36. van den Bergh et al. 2009.
37. Diamond 1987.
38. Shipman 2002.
39. Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 10.
40. For more details about the scope of the project and the experts who
were involved, see Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007; Morwood and Jungers
2009; and Morwood et al. 2009.
41. Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 7, 111-13.
42. The institution has been renamed the National Research and Develop-
ment Centre for Archaeology. It is in Jakarta, Indonesia.
43. Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 93.
44. Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 116.
45. Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 231.
46. Eugène Dubois, who discovered Pithecanthropus erectus, is another exam-
ple of a “king” who was overly protective of the fossils under his care.
47. Vidal 2005.
48. Vidal 2005.
49. Culotta 2005a.
50. Culotta 2005b.
51. Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 278.
52. Morwood and Van Oosterzee 2007, 287.
53. Dalton 2005, 935.
54. For proceedings of the seminar, see Indriati 2007.
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