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When food was served to them they also ate the plates, which were
made of pumpkin. 6
According to numerous accounts, the ebu gogo became extinct around
200 years ago. 7 The stories about their demise vary but share a com-
mon thread. 8 Apparently the ancestors of today's inhabitants of Flores
were irritated because the ebu gogo periodically raided their crops and
animals. Nevertheless, they tried to get along with their little neighbors
by making kind gestures, such as bringing them cooked food. Although
they took the food, the ebu gogo reportedly responded rudely and con-
tinued to be troublesome. As the story goes, one day they stole a baby,
and in some reports they ate it. In retaliation, the ancestors traveled
to the ebu gogo 's cave and set it on fire. According to Gregory Forth, of
the University of Alberta, who did ethnographic research in the Nage
region of Flores long before Homo floresiensis was discovered, the ances-
tors killed the ebu gogo by trapping them inside a cave and setting fire
to palm fiber that they had given their neighbors to use as clothing . 9
Depending on the particular version of the legend, one or two ebu gogo
may have survived the fire.
After the discovery of Homo floresiensis, new rumors emerged among
the villagers of Flores that the ebu gogo might still exist within pockets
of the island's rainforest . 10 Wishful thinking? Probably. Nevertheless,
Forth points out that the many tales he has heard on Flores about ebu
gogo have a ring of truth to them because of their details and matter-of-
fact portrayals. Whether or not the ebu gogo actually existed and, if so,
whether they had any evolutionary relationship with Homo floresiensis, as
some have suggested, remain as tantalizing unanswered questions—at
least for now.
Meanwhile, the researchers who believe that the new species is a
previously unrecognized hominin are currently focusing on two ques-
tions that go back to a time hundreds of thousands of years before the
ebu gogo were supposedly raiding crops on Flores: Where did Homo flo-
resiensis 's ancestors come from? And what (or who) did they look like?
Were Hobbit's ancestors small like australopithecines when they first
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