Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 17. Virtual endocasts viewed from their right sides. The frontal lobes
face to the right; the back end of the brains (occipital lobes) are to the left.
The endocasts have all been made the same volume electronically so that the
shapes are easier to compare visually. LB1's endocast looks most similar to
that from H. erectus and differs most from the endocast of the microcephalic.
Courtesy Kirk Smith, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology.
most resemble that of a chimpanzee. “Bring us the chimp, Kirk.” While
he was printing the image, Scooter and I had an uneasy moment in
which we worried about what Morwood might say if LB1's virtual
endocast turned out to look completely chimplike. Kirk brought it out
and placed it below LB1's. Oh-oh. The chimpanzee's virtual endocast
certainly looked more like LB1's than either the woman's or the micro-
cephalic's did.
“Got one more for you,” Kirk said, bringing us the last image, which
was from the female Homo erectus skull. He placed it to the right of LB1.
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