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Figure 12. The researcher Jatmiko, from the Indonesian National Research
Centre for Archaeology (ARKENAS), measures and describes thousands of
stone tools that were recovered from the digs at Liang Bua. Photographed by
Djuna Ivereigh/ARKENAS.
or not, Morwood resisted Soejono's proposition on the grounds that
Jacob had been slow to analyze and publish information about fossils
that had been previously entrusted to his laboratory and had a repu-
tation for obstructing other researchers' efforts to do so. As Morwood
put it, “We had not put in years of planning and months of hard work
and spent A$100,000 on the Liang Bua excavation, just to give the most
important findings, resulting publications and control of publication
venues and schedules to a retired senior researcher not even connected
with the project.” 44
Because of the Agreement of Cooperation, Morwood was able to
prevail, and a plan was worked out with Soejono's agreement that the
discoverers would continue to conserve and study the remains with
help from Peter Brown, a hominin specialist from UNE. Everyone also
agreed to embargo reports of the discovery and agreed that two papers
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