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-comunali-di-roma/2755. (both uRls accessed 17 september 2011.) on the restrictions in luc-
ca, see “lucca, stop ai ristoranti etnici—'salvaguardare la tradizione,'” La Repubblica, “Cro-
naca,” 26 January 2009.
3. his, at least, is the view of gay activists, and it appears to be borne out by his willing-
ness to have local police harass gays for public kissing. see Jeff israely, “Gay-Rights Clash over
Rome Coliseum Kiss,” Time, 24 september 2008,
/0,8599,1844012,00.html (accessed 17 september 2011).
4. e.g., eamonn Canniffe, review of herzfeld (2009), in GUTTAE: Above and Below Archi-
tecture, (ac-
cessed 22 august 2011).
5. Dumont's (1970) notion of “encompassment” anticipates the present analysis, al-
though it is arguably Kapferer's (1988) reading of Dumont that has clarified its relevance for
a critical understanding of the sometimes violently destructive transformations of modernist
6. Nonetheless, the late-capitalist term hospitality industry does rather give the game
7. on the history of the Roman Jews, see also Caffiero (2004); sarfatti (1999); todeschini
8. see silverman (1975): 1-8. on the distinction between the civic and the civil and its rela-
tionship to extortion, see herzfeld (2009): 181-217.
9. see emanuele Coen, “la rivolta degli ambulanti ebrei,” La Repubblica, Rome section, 28
December 1999, p. 4.
10. for discussion and further references, see herzfeld (2009): 89-101.
11. see herzfeld (2007b) for an extended analysis of this expression and its implications.
12. liah Greenfeld's (1992) notion of ressentiment may be even more applicable to such dy-
namics than it is to the state-oriented nationalisms that she discusses.
13. for a detailed account of these sources, see ferraresi (1996); Dyal (forthcoming) ex-
plores their translation into political practice in the violence propagated by football fans in
14. on the condono edilizio, see especially herzfeld (2009): 131-136.
15. on conflict, see scandurra (2005): 10; on widely varying perspectives on the forms, jus-
tifications, and modalities of social and political confrontation in Rome, see Cellamare (2008);
Dyal chapter 11, this volume; Goñi mazzitelli (2010); herzfeld (2009): 77-79.
Cellamare, Carlo. 2008. Fare città: Pratiche urbane e storie di luoghi. milano: elèuthera.
Caffiero, marina. 2004. Battesimi Forzati: Storie di ebrei, cristiani e convertiti nella
Roma dei papi. Rome: Viella.
Dumont, louis. 1970. Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications. lon-
don: weidenfeld and Nicolson.
——— . 1 9 8 2 . O n Valu e . london: oxford university press.
Dyal, mark. forthcoming. Ultras Contra Modernity. london: arktos media.
ferraresi, franco. 1996. Threats to Democracy: The Radical Right in Italy after the War.
princeton: princeton university press.
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