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“rule” about “ownership” of a begging spot had been adopted by a group of Xoraxané Roma
from Kosovo who lived in the Verona area in the late 1970s.
15. it is interesting to note how a certain way of presenting oneself can be found in vari-
ous forms both in begging and in scrap metal dealing: that is to say, by constantly repeating
impersonal stock phrases that play on the impersonation of an “ethnic” stereotype, rather than
displaying the specific characteristics of the individual.
16. This is what piasere (1985) called “ Gağikanó capital.”
17. after all, this ambivalence reflects the ambivalence of urban relations generally and
that pertaining to the area itself: trastevere is at the same time a place for some people and a
nonplace for others.
18. pamela, for example, often stops to talk to some of the ladies she knows to ask them for
“some spare change” and perhaps a toy or clothes for her children; in the evening (but only
every now and then, so as not to spoil their good relationship), she goes and asks ahmed the
kebab seller for a bit of the food left over unsold at the end of the day.
19. something of this kind also happens in seasonal nomadism, when regular Roma pres-
ence in a territory permits reciprocal familiarity but discontinuity becomes the key to the
presence of gypsies being accepted.
20. a new concentration of Roma along the coast south of Rome has recently emerged.
21. as saletti-salza (2003, 102) has illustrated, this “sitting together” is an “important social
occasion” among the Xoraxané Roma, which can assume various nuances according to who
invites whom to sit, and where (in general, it will be a space that is very well-known as belong-
ing to the person who does the inviting). in every case, it involves sitting down to pass the time
together without counting the minutes as they pass, drinking coffee, smoking, talking, and
eating. it is thus a gesture that reasserts social vicinity, confidence, and reciprocal respect, or
at least a willingness to establish or reestablish a relationship in accordance with such criteria.
fred's “sitting together” means paying a visit to his own relatives, being their guest for a coffee,
a bit of chat, a few cigarettes.
22. for example, Golub often goes to holland to visit his daughter; Dino goes every now
and then to madrid and barcelona (where he also lived for two years) to visit some relatives;
Valter goes to milan, where he has relatives; and in the same way, Velo lives in marseilles but
is often seen in Rome visiting his family.
agamben, Giorgio. 2003. Stato di eccezione. turin: boringhieri.
asseo, henriette. 1989. “pour une histoire des peuples-résistance.” in Tsiganes: Identité,
Evolution, edited by p. williams, 121-127. paris: syros.
augé, marc. [1992] 1993. I non-luoghi. milan: elèuthera.
bauman, Zygmunt. [2004] 2007. Vite di scarto. Rome: editori laterza.
hannerz, ulf. [1980] 1992. Esplorare la città. bologna, italy: il mulino.
piasere, leonardo. 1985. Māre Roma: catégories humaines et structure sociale: Une
contribution à l'ethnologie tsigane. paris: Études et Documents balkaniques et
———. 1995. “l'organizzazione produttiva di un gruppo di xoraxané Roma.” in Comu-
nità girovaghe, comunità zingare, edited by l. piasere, 345-365. Naples: liguori.
———. 2006. “Che cos'è un campo nomadi?” Achab 8: 8-16.
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