Database Reference
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information from the database becomes difficult and time-consuming. The task of
fine-tuning recognizes the performance problems of the database and sets out to
improve performance. The database administrator, in coordination with the appli-
cations analysts and programmers, adopts measures to fine-tune the database.
Essentially, the purpose of tuning the database is to make it faster and easier to
retrieve information from the database.
Database administrators have a variety of options and methods for tuning a slow
and lethargic database. They examine statistics collected by the DBMS and take
appropriate action. The following is a list of the major methods:
Create or drop index files to suit the changes in data access patterns.
If there are multiple index files for the same data file, force the system to use
the right index for retrieval.
Revise memory buffer management as number of transactions increase.
Revise how records are blocked within a file.
Place records that are retrieved together closer to one another in storage.
Change storage medium if necessary.
Managing Growth
Growth in the database system is inevitable in an organization. The database envi-
ronment is dynamic. You must anticipate more users and more database transac-
tions with the passage of time. Databases grow in size. That is, you will need more
storage space. Databases tend to grow in complexity. As changes in business con-
ditions occur, existing data structures will be revised and newer data structures will
be added to your organization's database. Databases tend to get distributed. As
users disperse to newer locations, data must be provided to them at the additional
Managing database growth occupies the continued attention of the project team.
All IT professionals responsible for the upkeep of the database environment share
the responsibility to plan and manage the growth. Here are a few tips to manage
growth of the database system:
Be prepared for growth. Immediately after the requirements definition phase,
start planning for growth.
Establish a small team of IT professionals charged with the responsibility of
monitoring growth and making recommendations.
Archival of old data frees up storage space for current data. Have a regular
schedule for archival of infrequently used data.
Reorganize disk files at regular intervals to consolidate fragmented empty
Wherever feasible, use data compression techniques.
Adopt parallel processing hardware and software techniques, especially
if your database environment has to support a large volume of ad hoc
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