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individual interview sessions. The overall time for requirements gathering may
prove to be less and therefore the project may be shortened. Also, group sessions
may be more effective if the users are dispersed in remote locations.
Joint application development (JAD) techniques were successfully used to gather
requirements for application projects in the 1980s. Users of computer systems had
grown to be more computer savvy, and their direct participation in the development
of applications proved to be useful.
As the name implies, JAD is a joint process with all concerned groups getting
together for a well-defined purpose. It is a methodology for developing computer
applications jointly by users and IT professionals in a well-structured manner. JAD
centers on discussion workshops lasting a certain number of days under the direc-
tion of a facilitator.
JAD consists of a five-step approach:
Project Definition
Complete high-level interviews.
Conduct management interviews.
Prepare management definition guide.
Become familiarized with the business units and systems.
Document user information requirements.
Document business processes.
Gather preliminary information.
Prepare agenda for the sessions.
Create working document from previous phase.
Train scribes.
Prepare visual aids.
Conduct presession meetings.
Set up venue for sessions.
Prepare checklist for objectives.
JAD Sessions
Open with review of agenda and purpose.
Review assumptions.
Review current applications.
Review data requirements.
Discuss timeliness of required information.
Examine data volumes.
Resolve all open issues.
Close sessions with lists of action items.
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