Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 7.3 Typical section through Barrage bays
Photograph 7.6 Farakka Barrage Piers under construction in 1969
weights (about 70 tons each) by more than 15.0 m (50.0 feet;) height. Special type
of cranes, brackets and other accessories were used at site to do the job and the canal
excavated thereafter (Fig. 7.4). Photographs 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 show excavation work
of Feeder Canal in progress in 1966 and 1970 and prestressed concrete girders being
placed over the piers of Pakur road bridge.
Innumerable problems were also faced during construction of other ancillary
structures like navigation locks, siphon below the canal bed to allow new passage of
a river etc. In all the cases, problems of foundation excavation and dewatering of the
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