Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.3. Straw based electronic sow feeding system with large bedded lying areas and solid dunging area
in the front.
go back to the mating house. The static system makes less efficient use of space and feeders
in comparison with the dynamic system, but has less aggression due to the establishment
of stable hierarchies. Dynamic groups are constantly changing in composition: recently
inseminated sows are introduced periodically and sows that will farrow are taken out
and moved to the farrowing house. The dynamic groups are usually larger than the static
groups, allowing for hierarchy fights and possibilities to withdraw or escape from them.
The majority of dynamic systems do not have bedding but a concrete slatted floor. Solid
floors and bedding allows these systems to work in colder climatic conditions and in
cheaper buildings, and to generally lead to better claw health.
All ESF systems are computer controlled and have the possibility to give individual rations
and individual feeding speed based on parity, body condition and pregnancy stage. The
system can also be used for detection of health problems or heat detection. At the end of
the front exit of one feeder or a group of feeders an automatic gate can sort specific sows
to a separation area for inspection, treatment or removal to the farrowing house.
Floor feeding
Floor feeding systems are relatively cheap and simple. They do not require troughs. Feed
can be distributed on a line against the wall with 45 to 50 cm feeding width per sow or it
can be distributed in the middle of the solid floor (dump feeding) or spread over a larger
area (spin feeding). Even in bedded systems the sows are very well capable to find the
last pellet. The challenge is to provide every sow in the group with sufficient nutrients.
One of the risks is that competition arises and the feed is not equally distributed between
sows. It is advised to feed the sows in two meals per day with an interval of only 2 h to
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