Agriculture Reference
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Laws, J., Amusquivar, E., Laws, A., Herrera, E., Lean, I.J., Dodds, P.F. and Clarke, L., 2009a.
Supplementation of sow diets with oil during gestation: sow body condition, milk yield and
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Leonard, S.G., Sweeney, T., Pierce, K.M., Bahar, B., Lynch, B.P. and O'Doherty, J.V., 2010a. The
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Leonard, S.G., Sweeney, T., Bahar, B., Lynch, B.P. and O'Doherty, J.V., 2010b. Effect of maternal
fish oil and seaweed extract supplementation on colostrum and milk composition, humoral
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Mateo, R.D., Carroll, J.A., Hyun, Y., Smith, S. and Kim, S.W., 2009. Effect of dietary supplementation
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Moraes, M.L., Ribeiro, A.M.L., Kessler, A.M., Ledur, V.S., Fischer, M.M., Bockor, L., Cibulski, S.P.
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Park, J.C., Kim, Y.H., Jung, H.J., Moon, H.K., Kwon, O.S. and Lee, B.D., 2005. Effects of dietary
supplementation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on piglets' growth and reproductive
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Papadopoulos, G.A., Maes, D.G.D., Van Weyenberg, S., Van Kempen, T.A.T.G., Buyse, J. and
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Pariza, M.W., Park, Y. and Cook, M.E., 2001. The biologically active isomers of conjugated linoleic
acid. Progress in Lipid Research 40: 283-298.
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