Agriculture Reference
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Viitasaari, E., Hänninen, L., Heinonen, M., Raekallio, M., Orro, T., Peltoniemi, O. and Valros, A.,
2013. Effects of post-partum administration of ketoprofen on sow health and piglet growth.
Veterinary Journal 198: 153-157.
Wallenbeck, A., Rydhmer, L. and Thodberg, K., 2008. Maternal behaviour and performance in
first-parity outdoor sows. Livestock Science 116: 216-222.
White, K.R., Anderson, D.M. and Bate, L.A., 1996. Increasing piglet survival through an improved
farrowing management protocol. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 76: 491-495.
Yun, J., Swan, K.M., Vienola, K., Farmer, C., Oliviero, C., Peltoniemi, O. and Valros, A., 2013.
Nest-building in sows: effects of farrowing housing on hormonal modulation of maternal
characteristics. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 148: 77-84.
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