Agriculture Reference
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Table 9.1. References used in calculating estimates of major component content for sow colostrum and milk
for Table 9.2 and 9.3. The table represents an incomplete list of references reporting composition results for
multiple days during lactation.
Major components reported 1
First sample vs. farrowing
Other samplings reported
Perrin, 1955
at parturition
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33-48 h; 3, 4,
5 d; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 w
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, snf
Elliott et al., 1971
w/in 12 h post-parturition
7, 14, 21 d
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, snf
Mahan et al., 1971
13 d
21, 29 d
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, snf
Fahmy, 1972
3 h post-parturition
14, 28, 25 d
ts, fat, pro, ash, ge
Coffey et al., 1982
24 h
72 h
birth 1 st piglet
Boyd et al., 1982
9, 18 d
ts, fat, pro
White et al., 1984
15 d
22 d
ts, lac, fat, pro, ge
Loudenslager et al., 1986
during parturition
2, 21 d
Klobasa et al., 1987
prior to piglets suckling
6, 12, 18, 24, 48, 72 h; 5, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 d
ts, lac, fat, pro
w/in 8 h of birth 1 st piglet
Zou et al., 1992
24 h; 7, 21 d
lac, fat, pro
Taugbøl et al., 1993
at parturition
14 d
birth 1 st piglet
Jackson et al., 1995
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 48, 72, 169 h
lac, fat, pro
Csapo et al., 1996
immediately post-parturition
12, 24, 48 h; 3, 5, 10, 20, 45-60 d
ts, fat, pro
Dourmad et al., 1998
3 d
7, 15, 22 d
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, ge
Tilton et al., 1999
18 d
ts, fat, pro, ash, ge
Alston-Mills et al., 2000
3 d
21 d
lac, fat, pro
Kim and Mahan, 2001
at parturition
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14 d
Noble et al., 2002
w/in 3 h end of parturition
6, 12, 24, 48 h; 3, 6, 9, 12, 21 d
ts, lac, pro
birth 1 st piglet
Devillers et al., 2004b
6, 12, 24 h
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, ge
w/in 4 h birth 1 st piglet
Laws et al., 2009
3, 7, 14, 21 d
lac, fat, pro, ge
Farmer et al., 2010
3 d
20 d
ts, lac, fat, pro
birth 1 st piglet
Foisnet et al., 2010a
3, 6, 24 h
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, ge
birth 1 st piglet
Foisnet et al., 2010b
6, 12, 24, 36, 48 h
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, ge
1 h after birth 1 st piglet
Leonard et al., 2010
12 d
ts, fat, pro
De Quelen et al., 2010
w/in 12 h start of parturition
3, 7, 21, 32 d
Ariza-Nieto et al., 2011
colostrum, not specified
7, 14d
fat, pro, ge
after birth 1 st piglet
Foisnet et al., 2011
6, 12, 24, 36 h
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, ge
Krogh et al., 2012
at parturition
ts, lac, fat, pro
w/in 3 h birth 1 st piglet
Flummer and Theil, 2012
ts, lac, fat, pro, ge
De Quelen et al., 2013
w/in 12 h start of parturition
7, 14, 21, 28 d
after birth 1 st piglet
Loisel et al., 2013
24 h; 7, 21 d
ts, lac, fat, pro, ash, ge
1 ts = total solids or dry matter; lac = lactose; fat = milk fat; pro = crude or total protein; ash = ash; ge = gross energy; snf = solids-not-fat.
et al. , 1995; Klobasa et al. , 1987), or intramammary injection (80 IU; Noble et al. , 2002).
Often piglets are removed from the sow for a time to allow for milk accumulation prior to
milk collection (Klobasa et al. , 1987). Others have used a milking machine to collect milk
samples (Garst et al. , 1999). In the latter case, time of day when sows are milked affects
milk fat, protein and somatic cell concentrations (Garst et al. , 1999). For a more detailed
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