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Left and centre Details of the courtyard in Hotel La Sultana Right The Bahia Palace courtyard
Moroccan Architecture
! Horseshoe arches
$ Stucco plaster
Properly known as
outrepassé arches, these are
where the arch curves back
inwards after its widest point, to
give an effect like a horseshoe or
keyhole. Its use is most com-
monly associated with Moorish
Spain and North Africa.
@ Zellij tiling
A decorative element of
Moroccan architecture, carved
plaster can cover entire walls in
fantastic curvilinear and
geometric design. The work is
executed by craftsmen while the
plaster is still damp - the
patterns are sketched onto the
surface, then gouged out with
hammer and chisel.
% Carved woodwork
One of the most striking
features of Moroccan
architecture is its use of multi-
coloured, small tiles laid in
complex geometric patterns. This
is known as the zellij technique,
where tiles are created as large
squares and then hand cut into
smaller shapes. Conventional
shapes and sizes are typically
used, though there are as many
as 360 different types of pieces.
£ Tadalekt plaster
Although some of the same
designs are used to decorate
both plaster and wood, often
wood is deployed as a frieze and
carries inscriptions in Arabic, the
language in which the Koran was
revealed to the Prophet
Mohammed and therefore of a
sacred character. The inscriptions
are of a religious nature and
invariably praise the glory of
Allah. They are used both to
decorate and impart information.
^ Square
This technique was initially
associated only with
bathhouses to
counter the heat
and moisture. Walls
are treated with a
plaster of powdered
limestone, which,
once set, is polished
with flat stones,
then painted with a
glaze of egg whites
and polished again
with the local black
soap, made from
olives. The finished
surface looks akin
to soft leather.
The square design
of Moroccan mina-
rets can be traced
to the Umayyad
rulers of Islamic
Spain, who were
of Syrian origin.
Syrians are almost
unique in the Middle
East for their square
minarets, probably
influenced by the
church towers built
by Syrian Christians.
Horseshoe arch, Medersa Ben Youssef
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