Game Development Reference
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For this script we have reused TriggerMessage small class we have created earlier in section
3.4 (Listing 35 page 90). Th s time we have two arrays of messages: matchMessages ,
which we send when colors match unlock code, and mismatchMessages , which we send oth-
erwise. unlockCode is directly provided as an array of colors that can be set from the inspector,
while other colors that user change come from different renderers. These renderers are refer-
enced through colorSources array. To bind the four buttons with the puzzle, we have to
reference their renderers as colorSources . Whenever a button is switched, it must fi st
switch its color and then send CompareCodes message to the puzzle. For simplicity, we attach
ColorCodePuzzle to the same object of CentralLock . The fi al confi tion of each button, as
well as the central lock and the puzzle is shown in Illustration 82. It is remember to notice
that colors of the unlock code and the buttons must match perfectly in terms of color de-
gree: not any green matches any green, but the numeric values of the colors must be the
same. The fi al functional demo can be found in scene20 in the accompanying project.
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