Game Development Reference
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The first thing this script does is storing the original (initial) position and rotation of the
block in originalPos and originalRot variables. Notice that rotation is stored in a variable
of type Quaternion . During Update() we scan for space key press. If it is pressed, we
call Return() function. This function simply sets returning flag to true , in order to let
the object move towards its original position in each frame. If returning is true , the object
must be moved towards originalPos and rotated towards originalRot . Before performing the
translation and rotation, we have to remove all forces and prevent them from affecting the
rigid body. Therefore, we ensure that the rigid body is frozen and clear all velocities affecting
it (lines 29 through 38). After that, we use Vector3.Lerp and Quaternion.Lerp to translate
and rotate the object smoothly. By multiplying Time.deltaTime by 3, we ensure a faster re-
turn. Finally, we find the remaining distance to reach the original position, if it is less than
0.01, we directly assign the original values of position and rotation to the transform. The
final result can be experimented in scene19 in the accompanying project.
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