Game Development Reference
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When the specified delay time for calling DecreaseSize() is over, Unity calls the function.
The job of this function is to reset all variables to their default values; so the scale is set
back to , the radius of the collector is divided by currentSize , and finally cur-
rentSize is set back to zero. It is important to notice that as long as cuurentSize is not zero,
this means that the effect of an already taken food is still active, and this case no additional
food collectable can be taken. This rule is enforced by Food script.
Food script in Listing 32 handles Collected message sent by Collectable like what we have
seen in Coin script (Listing 30 in page 80). As we have already seen, Coin script depends
on InventoryBox , so if the latter is missing, hitting a coin does not have any effect. Similarly,
Food script depends on SizeChanger , since its job is to increase the size of the collector.
Therefore, the first step in Collect() function is to make sure that the collector trying to
collect this food has a SizeChanger , otherwise nothing happens. If SizeChanger exists, we
declare the variable canTake , to test whether SizeChanger is in a state that allows it to take the
food. Recalling IncreaseSize() function in SizeChanger , it returns false if the size is already
increased. This returned value is stored in canTake to be checked in the next step (line 31).
A false value of canTake means that this food has not been taken by SizeChanger , so we
just ignore the hit and the food game object is not destroyed. However, if canTake is true ,
this means that the food has been taken by SizeChanegr and the size of the collector has been
incareased. In this case, the food object is destroyed.
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