Game Development Reference
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Illustration 36: Coin collection mechanism with the interactions among all involved scripts
Diagram in Illustration 36 summarizes the programmatic steps of coin collection. In step A the
collector calls Collect() function of Collectable script attached to the coin, giving itself as the
owner of what is to going to be collected. In step B, the collectable sends the message Col-
lected to all scripts attached to the coin. In step C, Coin script receives the message by ex-
ecuting its own function Collected() , which eventually performs steps D and E. Coin script
tries in step D to find InventoryBox script inside the collector. Recall that the variable own-
er inside Collected() function refers to the collector. Step E (money amount increment) is ex-
ecuted in case the inventory box is found, otherwise this step is not executed, and hence the
coin is neither collected nor destroyed.
A similar process takes place in case of food collection. However, collection logic as well
as the effect on the collector are different. We are going to have two types of food, and
both of them are going to have the same structure. Additionally, we are going to create a
separate prefab for each type of them. Taking food shall increase the size of the ball for a
limited time. The two types of food we are going to create vary in these two values. Listing
31 shows SizeChanger script, which handles food collectables. At the other end, Listing 32
shows Food script, which we are going to add to our food objects. Food collectables are also
going to have Collectable and YRotator scripts as well.
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