HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
input[id*=phone] {} /* matches all input fields with phone as
part of the ID */
Although ID and class attributes can be selected via the attribute
selector, their more specialized selectors have been optimized by
browser vendors and should be used instead.
Pseudo-class Selectors
Pseudo-classes fall into two groups: dynamic pseudo-classes that repre-
sent a specific state the document or element is in ( visited links) and
structural pseudo-classes that represent information about an element's
position in the document tree (the first list item).
:link , :visited (Link Pseudo-classes)
Links in a document have two states. When unvisited as determined by
the browser and its document history, a link can be selected with the
:link pseudo-class, or when visited, it can be selected via :visited .
a:link { color: blue; }
a:visited { color: purple; }
:hover , :active , :focus (Action Pseudo-classes)
The three interaction states of hovering, actively being clicked or used,
and in focus can be independently styled using the :hover , :active , and
:focus pseudo-classes.
The :hover pseudo-class for nonlink ( <a> ) elements is not supported
in IE6 or earlier but is supported on links as of IE4.
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