HTML and CSS Reference
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Values for <transform-function>
The following are values for <transform-function> :
translateX(<length>) : Translates the element by the specified
amount on the x-axis.
translateY(<length>) : Translates the element by the specified
amount on the y-axis.
translate(<length>[, <length>]) : Translates the element by the
specified amount; the first value is along the x-axis, and the second
is along the y-axis (0 if not specified).
scaleX(<number>) : Scales the element by the specified factor along
the x-axis.
scaleY(<number>) : Scales the element by the specified factor along
the x-axis.
scale(<number>[, <number>]) : Scales the element by the specified
factor along each axis; the first value is the x-axis, and the second is
along the y-axis (equal to x if not specified).
rotate(<angle>) : Rotates an element around the origin by the speci-
fied angle (in deg units); a positive angle rotates the element in a
clockwise direction.
skewX(<angle>) : Skews the element along the x-axis by the specified
angle (in deg units).
skewY(<angle>) : Skews the element along the y-axis by the specified
angle (in deg units).
skew(<angle>[, <angle>]) : Skews the element along each axis by
the specified angle (in deg units); the first value is the x-axis, and the
second is along the y-axis (0 if not specified).
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